"...in our present, time to blind violence, of natural and ecological disaster, to address the concept of beauty may sound meaningless, inconvenient, in a way provocation. Almost scandalous. However, due to the same reasons, beauty in opposition to evil is at it extreme opposite in the world we live in. These two mysteries are the opposite poles of the living universe: on one side is evil and on the other, beauty...
The universe is beautiful and the beauty of the world, in spite of all these calamities, strikes us as an enigma..."
François Cheng
Cinco Medidatções sobre a Beleza, 2006
“When I first came across Marcos Duprat and his work, I became almost immediately aware that the latter was a genuine extension of its creator.It overflows with light, is splendid in its colors and contemplates surpassing the infinite, while also oscillatingbetween explosion and oneiric peace.
As an individual, the artist conveys contagious explosions of enthusiasm and jovial energy, all while imbuing his artwithcalm and harmony.
Duprat has enjoyed both national and international recognition, one of a select group of Brazilians to have his art exposed in solo shows throughout such a variety of countriesand continents.
His work successfully conveys the subtle elegance of Japan and the sacred of Nepal, countriesin whichhe has lived. This ensues as much through the pictorial execution as in the capture of the image inspired by his personal vision of a specific external reality. The effusion of light and colorcontrast with the serenity that permeates these spaces, thesewaters, which hints at the delicacy of Japanese aesthetics. Like a symphony that dyes the chords from the vivace to the adagio. Furthermore, we see the transition in his art, which, over the years, has gone from a real sensuality toward the abstract and emotional, but without losing its passionate contours.
We invite visitors to weave their own rapport as they face these works, venturing forth to penetrate the imagery of Marcos Duprat. His images are in search of the link between dispersal and space, the boundaries and infinity of horizons, bringing to viewers the artists broad personal experience."
The MuBE has the immense pleasure of exhibiting these works by Marcos Duprat.”
Jorge Landmann
Diretor Presidente do MuBE